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HLBC Donation Policy

     Donations to Hastings Lake Lutheran Bible Camp Association (Hastings) are accepted gratefully to further the mission to “Make Christ Known”. Donations to Hastings are to be spent with the discretion of the current Hastings Board, which represents the broader association. Individuals donating to camp are encouraged to designate their donation to an existing fund or item on the wish list at the time of donation. All existing funds and wish list items are approved by motion of the Hastings board. The Hastings Board will thoughtfully consider suggestions from Hastings membership for new funds or items to be included on the wish list. Funds may have additional
policies for use (see Addendum).

     In light of Christian giving, Hastings believes donations are to be freely given, without conditions attached. “Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Corinthians 9:7, NIV).

     Hastings values the support of its membership, including gifts of time, talents, and financial resources. Hastings will strive to show gratitude to all supporters, donors, and volunteers in a consistent manner. The support of Hastings membership will be informally acknowledged at Hastings events and publications. Hastings will not permit donor-directed naming rights as a form of gift acknowledgement.




I. Gretch Woolery Campership Fund.

     The Gretch Woolery Campership Fund exists to provide financial assistance to campers in need, so that camp is accessible to all. Donors can choose to designate donations to this fund. Camperships are given to campers at the discretion of the Camp Director. At the end of each year, any unused money in the Gretch Woolery Campership Fund is absorbed into the General Fund, and does not roll over to the next year.

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