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For an Adventure Like No Other
We are looking for hard-working, fun-loving leaders with a heart for serving God through camp ministry. Think you might be interested?
Working at camp is an opportunity to learn and grow in your faith and character as you work with some of your best friends, serving Jesus and loving people together.
Applications for Summer 2025
Close: Until all positions have been filled.
Details on positions offered can be found below.
2025 Summer Positions
*Job descriptions are only a summary, and are not definitive.
Detailed job descriptions available on request.
What time does camp start?Registration is between 4:00 pm and 5:00 pm on the Sunday of your camp. (Tuesday for Family 3-for-3 Camp) Please don't come earlier, as we will not be able to register you until 4:00pm. Please notify us if you will be late.
What time does camp end?Youth Camps: Parents may join us for a closing service in the chapel at 1:00pm. Please pick up your camper(s) by 1:30 PM. Family Camps: Family camps end after lunch on Fridays. Please vacate the camp by 1:00 PM, allowing us to get the camp ready for weekend rentals.
What is your cancellation policy?We have a cancellation policy in place to avoid reserving space that could result in turning away someone else. When cancellation is made 10 days or more prior to the camp start date, you will receive a full refund. When cancellation is made 10 days or less prior to the camp start date: - for youth camps: the fees less $50 will be refunded - for family camps: the fees less $150 will be refunded. Hastings reserves the right to send any camper home if they do not comply with camp regulations. Under such circumstances there will be no refund.
Is financial aid available?Financial aid may be applied for through the Anglican Diocese of Edmonton by following this link or by contacting the camp office:
Will my child be safe at camp?Health and safety are a primary concern at Hastings Lake. Our Camp is an accredited member of the Alberta Camping Association, and we strive to provide safe and fun summer programming. -All camp staff are trained in First Aid and CPR. -Our lifeguards hold current provincial NLS certification. -Kids & Youth camps have a camp nurse available 24 hours a day. -All camp staff and volunteers undergo police and child welfare checks. -Kitchen staff have current food safety training. -Staff who lead canoeing are certified by Paddle Canada. -We are 15 minutes away from a Hospital in Tofield, AB.
Who supervises my child at Youth camps?Our summer programs are run by our leadership team consisting of the Camp Manager, Program Director, and Program Assistant. The leadership team hires and trains 9 Cabin Leaders each summer. One Cabin Leader and 1-2 SITs (trained highschool volunteers) are assigned to each cabin to lead and care for up to 8 kids in their cabin. There is also a Nurse on staff at youth camps to handle medications and medical emergencies. Other staff members include a Maintenance Assistant to keep the camp clean and safe, a Head Cook and Assistant Cook to provide healthy and delicious meals, and a certified Lifeguard to provide safety at the pool. Meet the Summer Staff!
Can my child have a cell phone at camp?Cell phones are not permitted at youth camps. This is both for safety reasons, and so we can all focus on being fully present and engaged in the camp community and activities that are planned for the week. If you need to get in touch with your child, or your child needs to get in touch with you, all communication goes through the camp office. At family camps, cell phone usage is up to the discretion of the parents.
What if I have allergies or dietary restrictions?We are happy to take allergies and dietary restrictions into consideration when preparing meals. Please indicate your allergies and dietary restrictions in your registration so we can be prepared. We are not a certified nut-free facility, however we do not use nuts in our kitchen. Call or email us if you have any concerns.
What if my child has medications?When you first arrive at camp on Sunday, you will have an opportunity to speak with the camp nurse. All medications must be kept in the locked nurse cabinet. The nurse will distribute medications as they are needed. Some medications, such as inhalers and epi-pens, may be kept with the child. Please discuss this with the nurse. At family camps, there is no nurse and parents are responsible for their children's medications.
Can I visit or contact my child at youth camps?In order to keep all of our campers safe, visitors are not allowed at youth camps. Under exceptional circumstances, visitors must ask permission from the Program Director prior to arriving, sign in at the office upon arrival, and be escorted by a staff member while on the camp property. Any messages for your child can be left with the camp office, and we will deliver it at the next meal. In cases of homesickness, our staff is trained to encourage the child through it. Please do not promise that they can phone home at any time, as calling home usually adds to the child's homesickness. We will contact you in cases of extreme homesickness or if anything goes wrong.
Can I visit during family camps?The office must be informed of any family camp visitors prior to their arrival. All visitors must sign in at the office upon arrival, and sign out upon departure. If you are going to visit for the day, please register online so we know you are coming! You will be able to pay the day rate when you register online.
What do I do at camp?Each camp is a bit different, but a typical day at camp looks something like this: 8:15 - Breakfast followed by work duties 9:45 - Chapel 10:30 - Bible Study (Quest Time) 12:00 - Lunch followed by work duties 1:15 - Quiet Time 1:45 - Options 3:00 - Free Time (canteen and pool are open) 4:15 - Options 5:30 - Supper followed by work duties 7:00 - Wide Game (evening chapel at family camps) 9:00 - Snack 9:30 - Camp Fire 10:30 - Lights Out Learn more HERE.
What should I bring to camp?Download a suggested packing list HERE. Please do not bring: - Cell phones (cell phones are not permitted at youth camps) - iPods, tablets, gaming devices, or other electronics - Food (snacks can be bought at the canteen) - Money (at youth camps) and other valuables - Knives or weapons - Pets - Alcohol & illegal drugs are not permitted - Under age smoking is not allowed - Recreational cannabis use is not permitted
Where do I sleep at camp?At youth camps, you will stay in a cabin with a Cabin Leader and a SIT. At family and adult camps, accommodations include cabins, Solomon's Lodge, or the Triple Trailer. You may also bring your own RV, travel trailer or tent and stay in our campground. You will be assigned your room/campground site upon arrival on Sunday. Accommodations are based on the day you register, and you may indicate your preference on your registration, however it is up to the discretion of the camp staff to make the final accommodation assignments, and we cannot guarantee your preference. Please contact us if you have any concerns.
What is the canteen?The canteen is a store that is open during free time where campers can buy pop, candy, chips, and other snacks. Treats are purchased using a pre-paid tab, no money is handled at the canteen. You can purchase your canteen tab when you register online. At youth camps, the maximum daily allowance is $3.00, for a total of $15.00 per week. At family camps, it is up to the discretion of the parents. Family campers can top off their canteen tab at the office if necessary.
Can I access the internet while at camp?Internet access is not available at youth camps. At family camps, adults may ask the office for the Wi-Fi password if necessary. Please note that our internet signal is weak and streaming is not permitted.
What is your privacy policy?You can read our privacy policy HERE.
What forms of payment do you accept?Registration fees must be paid online when you register. We accept Visa and Mastercard as well as EFT. During the summer, we accept cash, cheque, debit, or credit cards in the office to pay for canteen, camp merchandise, or registration fees.
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